Rempstone and Wytch Farm

A proposed walk in the south side of Poole harbour to explore plans by landowners and users to improve biodiversity,  habitats and recognition of the historical heritage of the area. This should include the continued presence of Perenco and oil extraction. This visit ties in with the talk given by the National Trust to the ... Read more

Bumps in the Bay

Beneath the south coast of Purbeck lie unusual geological features found by divers - what has been found has led to much discussion with regard to their formation and significance in the east Jurassic Coast. Representatives of the organisations involved will be giving the talk and be bringing some samples retrieved from the depths. Free ... Read more

Dorset Stories

Musician and storyteller Tim Laycock will be entertaining us with songs and readings of Dorset, with particular reference to Thomas Hardy and his observations of 19th century rural life. Free to members , non members welcome £3.  

Christmas event

Pines Hotel

Pines Hotel. Coffee morning for members in the hotel lounge. Parking available on site.

First talk of the New Year

Our AGM has now been postponed until our meeting on 11th February, but we will still have a meeting and talk on this day. We welcome Nick Jubber who will present - 'Epic Continent'. A local travel writer's journey and a view on the ancient tales across Europe. Nicholas Jubber has journeyed across the Sahara, ... Read more

Annual General Meeting and talk

Our postponed AGM will take place, and we also have Lilian Ladle as a guest speaker. A fellow of Bournemouth University, Lilian has spent many years excavating local sites and researching elements of the area's archaeological past. The talk concentrates on prehistoric trade primarily via coastal routes, and the role of Poole harbour and local ... Read more

My Life in Dance

Local resident, artist and sculptor Carlotta Barrow spent many years as a performer, appearing regularly on TV and in film being involved in a number if significant series including Poirot. She will  be sharing many memories of her interests and involvement in the creative arts. Free to members, non-members £3