The bats of Purbeck

A presentation by the East Dorset Bat rescue group, including a chance to actually meet some rescued bats. Free to members, non members welcome, £3 entrance.  

Christmas social

A chance to mingle and share some festive fare with other members and guests, with seasonal readings from writer, poet and actor Wendy Wharam. There'll be a light hearted quiz and general update on the Society's activities, including plans for 2020. A light high tea will be served. Free to members, non members welcome, £3 ... Read more

Annual General Meeting

Come along to discuss the future of the society, its roles, aims and projects for 2020. Input from members is very welcome and actively encouraged. We hope to present details of the completed buildings survey after 2 year's work by society volunteers. We intend to send copies to Swanage Town Council, Dorset County Archive and ... Read more

Biodiversity in Purbeck

Tom Clark and David Brown of the National Trust visit us to set our their plans and partnerships to support biodiversity in the local area, with particular reference to the south side of Poole harbour. This will included their proposals for the reintroduction of beavers in the area, and the implications for such projects. Free ... Read more

Picturesque Rambles in the Isle of Purbeck and a Royal Warren

Carlton Hobbs recounts the adventures of two Victorian gentlemen, an author and an artist, who set out in 1881 to capture the essence of Purbeck before the introduction of the railway. Mainly through the artist's fine drawings, we will be shown how the Isle has changed over 300 years since its time as a Royal ... Read more

POSTPONED – Epic continent – a travel writer’s journey

IN VIEW OF THE CURRENT SITUATION REGARDING COVID-19 THIS MEETING HAS BEEN POSTPONED. WE WILL REVIEW THE POSITION WITH REGARD TO RESCHEDULING IN DUE COURSE. Nicholas Jubber has journeyed across the Sahara, Middle East and Central Asia. His latest book takes us through some of his most iconic tales, from graffitti artists to refugees, war ... Read more

The lime kiln of Church Knowle

Until the early 20th century lime kilns could be seen scattered around the countryside. Pam White will be taking us on a circular walk from Corfe Castle to visit a local kiln and to learn how and why lime was produced. The walk is approximately 2 miles, although this can be shortened by individuals if ... Read more

Ancient Technology Centre, Cranbourne

BH21 5RP

Several years ago the local school in Cranbourne village built a reconstructed Iron Age round house. More historical buildings have been added since then and a continuous programme of events and workshops held to recreate and test ancient technological techniques. The Earth House is used for performance,  poetry readings and meetings. This is a guided ... Read more

Rempstone and Wytch Farm

A proposed walk in the south side of Poole harbour to explore plans by landowners and users to improve biodiversity,  habitats and recognition of the historical heritage of the area. This should include the continued presence of Perenco and oil extraction. This visit ties in with the talk given by the National Trust to the ... Read more

Bumps in the Bay

Beneath the south coast of Purbeck lie unusual geological features found by divers - what has been found has led to much discussion with regard to their formation and significance in the east Jurassic Coast. Representatives of the organisations involved will be giving the talk and be bringing some samples retrieved from the depths. Free ... Read more