The Cyril Diver Project, Studland

David Brown will explain how the project, through the involvement of over 200 volunteers, has built up a detailed picture of the site's current ecological status and compares the findings with Captain Cyril Diver's  pioneering work from the 1930s. Free to members, non members welcome, £2 entrance.

Festive high tea and social

BH19 2JL Lighthouse Road, Swanage

The Society's annual Christmas social event - festive high tea in the Seventh Wave restaurant at Durlston Castle. We are hoping the the Park Rangers will be able to give us an update on their plans to refurbish elements of George Burt's vision of a place for education and leisure. Please speak to or call ... Read more

The AONB Keyposts Project

A talk and demonstration of a collection by the Dorset AONB team. A project by this group is aiming to identify, list and repair existing keyposts and is considering suggestions for new locations or reinstatement where they have been lost. After the talk there will be access to a display of originals, materials and processes ... Read more

The role of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings

Purbeck Society member and local resident Jessica Sutcliffe (daughter of photographer Helen Muspratt) is a trustee of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings. She will talk about their work and the part they play in conserving our architectural heritage. Free to members, non members welcome, £2 entrance.

Society visit to Bridport and West Bay

An invitation to both members and non-members to join us for a day trip to Bridport for the popular market, good book shops, art galleries, workshops and vintage/antique centre. For those interested we are hoping to join the guided tour and tasting session at Palmers brewery from 11am - extra cost is £7. Later the ... Read more


The CITiZAN project for foreshore research and recording

A visit by representatives of the project co-ordinated by the Museum of London to show how to register and use an App to allow volunteers to record our foreshores, archaeological and historical features as well as the threat from erosion and rising sea levels as a consequence of climate change. Originally the walk was at ... Read more

An afternoon visit to Wolfeton House


A guided tour and cream tea at this beautiful and historic medieval and Elizabethan manor house, still in private hands and open through the Historic Houses Association - admission fee reduced for HHA members. Members are invited to car share for this trip - please let Karen Delahay know if you would like to come ... Read more
