An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the Society will be held on Friday 28th November 2014 at 2.30pm in the Mowlem Community Room, Swanage.
When the following motion will be put :
“That the Committee has concluded reluctantly that the Society, as presently constituted cannot continue, as insufficient members are offering themselves for the Committee and the Society therefore cannot be managed effectively and in accordance with its Rules. In accordance with Rule 13, the Society be dissolved, its remaining funds, after settling all bills and liabilities, on dissolution shall be divided between the following Charitable organisations having similar aims to the Society viz, The Swanage & Purbeck Development Trust, The Swanage Pier Trust, The Swanage Railway Trust. The Society’s books, archives, pictures and other assets to be offered to the Swanage Museum.”
It is to be regretted that the Society has come to this situation but I have tried to warn that this was becoming an increasingly likely outcome. However, it should be noted that some members have recently come forward who wish to explore possibilities for the Society to continue, possibly in a different format. To do this the Rules of the Society will almost certainly have to be changed. For this to happen the above motion will need to be defeated and a steering group elected to take any alternative proposals forward.
All members will have received the full Agenda and associated papers. Please make every effort to attend and, those having membership cards, bring your them to the meeting, as only paid-up members will be entitled to vote.
Mike Stollery