The Purbeck Society’s Management Committee is elected annually at its Annual General Meeting, this year’s AGM being due on Friday April 11th. Sadly, circumstances have contrived such that a number of the existing Committee members are unable to seek re-election this year.

Without a full Committee of at least 10, preferably 12, the Society will not be able to function effectively or sustain the programme of support for all the various campaigns with which the Society has been recently involved, nor will it be able to continue with its popular programmes of visits and talks.

Therefore we urgently need people to take on the roles of Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Summer Programme Secretary and Publicity Officer. The roles are not onerous or unduly time consuming but are key to the Society’s continuance.

Candidates must be members of the Society to undertake these posts. However, we would love anyone who would like to seek election to one or other of these posts and who is presently not a member, to join the Society as soon as possible – you will be made very welcome. In the first instance, therefore, please contact the Chairman (see contact page), who will be pleased to send you a joining form (annual subscription £5) and also a nomination form, which should be completed and lodged with the Secretary (address on the form) by Friday 4th April.

I look forward to hearing from you…

Mike Stollery