Navitus Bay Wind Farm, Year End Review from HENRA

We felt it would be a good idea to provide this update after an active year opposing the wind farm scheme and before the next formal consultation in February. It is being sent to the Residents’ Associations (RAs), the HENRA committee, Challenge Navitus (CN), some MPs, councillors and council officers.

2 Drummond Road Swanage (PA 6/2012/0568)

Over the last few years there have been a number of planning applications which have involved the destruction of interesting and characterful properties, the most notable probably being the former Westbury hotel (latterly care home) in Rempstone Road Swanage.

The Society is increasingly concerned that the character of Swanage is being steadily eroded by the destruction of such properties and believes that acceptable viable alternatives, whereby these properties can be adapted for 21st Century use, while still retaining their character.

The latest case is No.2 Drummond Road in south Swanage which, to our knowledge, has been the subject of three planning applications in recent years. Each of these has involved the demolition of Drummond Lodge, an interesting Edwardian house.

National Lottery Awards – vote Durlston

Durlston has reached the final in the 2012 National Lottery Awards (Heritage category) and has been shortlisted as one of the 3 best Heritage project of the year. This is an important, national award with the winner decided by public vote and the awards presentation shown live on BBC1 in December. We would greatly appreciate … Read more

Planning Purbeck’s Future: Main Modifications to the Purbeck Core Strategy

Set out below is the Society’s response to the consultation on the proposed Modifications to the draft Core Strategy which submitted in January 2012 and was the subject of an Examination In Public (EIP) in May. There may be a further EIP on these Modifications and the responses received since the EIP in May If/when accepted the Purbeck Core Strategy will replace the Purbeck District Local Plan Final Edition (2004) as the strategic planning document.

The Society submitted its own response on the proposed Modifications to PDC on 25 July but before commenting specifically on them as set out in tabular form below, the Purbeck Society noted its concern at the length and complexity of the whole process. The proformas and the quasi-legal way in which the comments to the initial draft had to be made and, similarly comments on the current modifications, we considered to be very un-user friendly, which we are sure will have discouraged many from commenting. Hopefully these issues will not be a feature when developing and consulting upon the individual Local Plans. Furthermore, we noted that by the time the Core Strategy is finally adopted (presumably in 2013) it will be seven years into the plan period of 2006 – 2026/7!

NHS Consultation on ‘Making Purbeck Healthcare Fit for the Future’

The first phase of the consultation process finished on 20 July and what follows formed the basis of the Society’s submission to this process. The NHS tell us that they will formulate firmer proposals based on the comments received in this first phase consultation and will be submitted for further consultation in the Autumn.

Members of the Society were appalled at the proposals to relocate the Swanage Health Centre and close the Swanage Hospital to be replaced by a polyclinic, as were the vast majority of the residents of Swanage a large number of whom besieged the Mowlem on the evening of 20th July.

So far as Swanage is concerned, we submit, there are two aspects of the provision of healthcare to be considered : the Health Centre and Swanage Hospital, although of course there is some linkage between them.

The Navitus Wind Farm Project (June 2012 Update)

A note on the meeting with Eneco at the Drop In session at the Swanage Youth Centre on 21st June 2012

Hearing of this session from Andrew Langley, of Challenge Navitus – I attended on behalf of the Purbeck Society.

Eneco attendees were Rebecca Evans and Daniel Bates, although it seems that they are from PR consultants rather than Eneco’s direct employees. David Lloyd from the Sailing Club was the only other attendee at this session, although we were given to understand that other sessions would be held during the day. Eneco are due to meet Andrew Langley early next month.

The consultation process seems to be a long and protracted one; we have had round one with the exhibition at the Mowlem earlier in the year. The next round, apart from these Drop Ins, will commence in November this year – when an initial Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) will be available, although I am not clear whether it will be published as such, but will be part of the consultation.

The Navitus Wind Farm project

A Statement by The Purbeck Society
The Purbeck Society has traditionally been involved in the study of the natural environment in the historic Isle of Purbeck. More recently, with the various threats to the natural and built environment, the Society has concerned itself with conservation and planning. We welcomed the designation of the Jurassic coast as a World Heritage Site as recognition of the outstanding coastline that we are fortunate to have in Purbeck. It is because of the latter that the Society feels it should concern itself with the proposed Navitus Wind Farm and the issues surrounding wind power as it might affect Purbeck.