This survey of non-listed heritage assets in Swanage is an important contribution to the heritage, history and the culture of the coastal town of Swanage in the Isle of Purbeck in Dorset. The survey is the first of its kind in the area.
It illustrates a range of buildings, their contexts and contributions to the lives of many in Swanage over the years. The survey is more than a record; it is an archive capable of evoking memories, imaginations and stories. Rarely has a town in Dorset been able to show to others the range and extent of its important buildings. Buildings are more than material structures. They show imagination, innovation, artistry, and skills. They capture the magic and emotions of life through various experiences and associations. They also invoke curiosity and enquiry.
The survey is very important as a record in its own right. It is also there for others to use the structure of the survey in the communities of Purbeck and across Dorset. The potential to create similar surveys within Dorset is huge. The emerging Dorset Local Plan can be an avenue for capturing, protecting, and enhancing the precious heritage assets that exist within Dorset. To not do this would be an act of negligence.
The residents of Purbeck, and the readers of the survey have a record that is a credit to the volunteers from the Purbeck Society – Karen Delahay, Jessica Sutcliffe, David Gerry, and Nic Crabb. Much time, effort and attention has been devoted to the completion of this survey. We all in Purbeck express our thanks for such a contribution to the local community.
The survey is recommended to you as a contribution to the local heritage of Swanage and a legacy for future generations.
Peter Bowyer, Chair – The Purbeck Society
The survey was slightly amended on 12th December 2021 and the updated version is available below.