
UN ruling puts UK Wind Farms in jeopardy

There was an interesting article in the Independent last week (27th August 2013). Plans for future wind farms in Britain could be in jeopardy after a United Nations legal tribunal ruled that the UK Government acted illegally by denying the public decision-making powers over their approval and the “necessary information” over their benefits or adverse … Read more

Navitus bay wind farm update!

Navitus Bay Wind Farm update!

Wind Farm update! By David Gerry Members will recall that at the AGM, by a large majority, it was agreed that our Society should continue to monitor and if appropriate object to the windfarm that is proposed for Navitus Bay, lying off our coast. Further, members agreed that the writer should continue to represent the … Read more

How to register your feelings about the Navitus Wind Farm

How do you register your feelings about this windfarm? Some points you may want to cover, in your own words: Embedded in a valuable national asset with an economy supported by its natural beauty & the sea Overlooked by two Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and a National Park Close to England’s only natural World … Read more

Pictures from the navitus bay protest

Pictures from the Navitus Bay protest

The demo took place on Sunday morning 13th January at 11 am at Swanage. It was well supported and obtained both TV and newspaper coverage. The aim was to keep pressure on Navitus and bring the protest against the windfarm to a wider audience. Bill Trite Swanage Town Council Mayor and Richard Drax (our local … Read more

Navitus Bay Wind Farm, Year End Review from HENRA

We felt it would be a good idea to provide this update after an active year opposing the wind farm scheme and before the next formal consultation in February. It is being sent to the Residents’ Associations (RAs), the HENRA committee, Challenge Navitus (CN), some MPs, councillors and council officers.

Navitus Bay Wind Park: Update on timing of next stage of consultation

Navitus Bay Development Limited (Navitus Bay), the jOint venturebehind the proposed Navitus Bay Wind Park, is announcing today that it has decided to reschedule the third round of public consultation on the project until February 2013.

The decision to reschedule the next stage of consultation reflects the high level of attendance and feedback that Navitus Bay received from the local community at the second round of consultation earlier this year. To ensure that the community and technical feedback is given the due consideration it deserves, Navitus Bay has decided to allocate additional time and resources to fu lly explore the comments received and how they can be accommodated in to the proposals, taking into account the complex technical and environmental constraints on the project.

The Navitus Wind Farm Project (June 2012 Update)

A note on the meeting with Eneco at the Drop In session at the Swanage Youth Centre on 21st June 2012

Hearing of this session from Andrew Langley, of Challenge Navitus – I attended on behalf of the Purbeck Society.

Eneco attendees were Rebecca Evans and Daniel Bates, although it seems that they are from PR consultants rather than Eneco’s direct employees. David Lloyd from the Sailing Club was the only other attendee at this session, although we were given to understand that other sessions would be held during the day. Eneco are due to meet Andrew Langley early next month.

The consultation process seems to be a long and protracted one; we have had round one with the exhibition at the Mowlem earlier in the year. The next round, apart from these Drop Ins, will commence in November this year – when an initial Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) will be available, although I am not clear whether it will be published as such, but will be part of the consultation.